We spend a couple of minutes with Peter “Blackie” Black of homegrown punk legends Hard-Ons — who recently celebrated their 30 year anniversary — ahead of their show with Sleep at Sydney’s Manning Bar on December 13 and find out what’s new…
What’s going on in the world of Hard-Ons?
We’re having a well-earned break after a lot of 30 year anniversary stuff. Ray’s overseas with work buying records, Murray went on holidays and I’m putting the finishing touches on my 4th solo record.
What motivates you to make music?
The sheer joy that music gives you!
What have been the high and low points of your musical experiences so far?
The high point goes back to the sheer joy part. I mean everything — creating, performing, rehearsing… even lugging is a great way to stay in shape!
The low… in this country the fact that it’s such a financial struggle. It’s not like you have a bunch of songs ready to record and you go and do it. It’s more, “fuck, how can we afford this!?”
What music are you listening to at the moment?
Miles Davis — Live Evil and Dark Magus
Dwight Twilley Band — Twilley Don’t Care
Dust — Hard Attack
The Masters Apprentice — A Toast To Panama Red
King Crimson — Lizard
Kate Bush — Hounds Of Love
If you were stranded on a desert island, which member of the band would get eaten first?
Probably Murray ’cause he drinks a lot therefore is inherently weaker than myself or Ray.
Here’s an opportunity to bitch about something, whether music related or not. What really pisses you off?
The fact we now live in a right-wing and artless country. Four fucking terms of Howard and now Abbott. The way we behave as a nation really reflects who we have in office and it’s ALL BAD.
You’re putting together your perfect gig featuring Australian artists. Who would you get to play and where? Feel free to include acts/DJs/bands/venues that no longer exist.
Hmm way too hard to answer but… one of the most killer gigs of all time when I was a pup was Birthday Party with X and The Scientists… was breathlessly amazing!! Any venue for that one, even a toilet, couldn’t damped its killerness!
Hard-Ons support Sleep on the final show of Sleep’s Australian tour at Manning Bar in Sydney on Saturday December 13. Tickets on sale now from lifeisnoise.com.