Saturday 9th April, 2016 : J Shed, Fremantle : Photos by Ryan Ammon [See image gallery at]
Archive for the ‘Rag n’ Bone’ Category
Photos: WAM Song Of The Year Awards at J Shed
Monday, April 18th, 2016Live Review: Rag n’ Bone at Flyrite
Monday, September 8th, 2014Friday September 5, 2014 Review by Matthew Tomich Rag ‘n Bone have been kicking around for a couple of years now, and before they put out their debut EP, the bluesy foursome brought some buds along to celebrate the launch […]
A Minute With Rag n’ Bone
Friday, November 8th, 2013We spend a minute with Rag n’ Bone ahead of their single launch at PICA bar on November 22 and find out what’s happening.
What’s going on in the world of Rag n’ Bone?
Heaps, just heaps of things. We’re preparing for our upcoming single launch, writing some new material with a hammer, a nail and a broken tube amplifier and other life stuff: looking for places to live, eaten cans of beans off hardwood floors and projecting Nicolas Cage films on weatherboard.
What motivates you to make music??
The same as it ever was: creating, being loud and pissing around with people that you love and care for, in the hopes that somewhere out there, our music will inspire another to watch ducks on a lake or draw a cartoon penis on a political one-sheet.
What have been the high and low points of your musical experiences so far?
Our gigs have almost always been enjoyable because we play with other like-minded people, who are fun, exciting and challenging, last month’s DARKWAVE event at the Rosemount being one of note. Recording the single was also a necessary and important experience for us, especially for me, considering how much I loathe click tracks.
Low points? Probably the sheer time delay between recording in February and this launch, with setbacks abound – we’re not The Wrens yet. Also for me personally, that time I jumped off an outdoor stage and basically broke my left big toe was pretty bad.
What music are you listening to at the moment?
Most of the music I listen to now is in transit – so lots of clean ‘80s pop with good chords (XTC), bleeping and blooping with ray guns (FlyLo) and Slayer. In terms of 2013 records, I’m still spinning The Knife’s two hour screwabout, The Drones’ tribute to the ultimate space dog and I’m looking forward to having a proper listen to Gorguts. I’ve had a lot of fun reading the drummer discussions on Youtube on that one.
If you were stranded on a desert island, which member of the band would get eaten first??
Probably me because even though I’m a skinny guy I’m also a real stupid guy, plus I’m pretty sure the rest of the band will get sick of my yarns.
Here’s an opportunity to bitch about something, whether music related or not. What really pisses you off? ?
The continuing existence of Billy Joel – NANORIMO is a thing on the internet which challenges you to write a novel in November. I’ve failed the last couple of years but I’m on winner with this one: each chapter, bad things happen to Billy Joel and he often just trips and falls into dog shit. In terms of literary ranking, it’s Dostoevsky, Joyce and then…
You’re putting together your perfect gig featuring Australian artists? Who would you get to play and where? Feel free to include acts/DJs/bands/venues that no longer exist.?
Two-stager with definitely The Birthday Party circa-81 to headline one stage and Essendon Airport playing Palimpsest on the other, with support from Neil Hamburger (totally a Darwin boy), Taco Leg, The Drones, Drowning Horse, Mental Powers, Dianas, Frozen Ocean, Adolf Sasquatch, X, Gerling, Laughing Clowns and The Fauves in no real order. This will all be at the old Hydey on one stage and the KFC car park will have the other.