Archive for the ‘Crypt’ Category

Two Minutes With Crypt

Monday, May 18th, 2015

We spend a couple of minutes with Crypt before they support Boris in Adelaide and find out what’s new…

Describe your music in five words or less.
Whiskey-soaked doom, occult rock ‘n’ roll.

What’s going on in the world of Crypt?
Heaps at the moment. We launched our debut EP at the beginning of the year and have been touring that. We played a couple shows in Melbourne last month and we’re headed to Brisbane at the end of May. We played with Space Bong and Horsehunter on the Adelaide leg of the Bonghunter tour, and we are fucking excited to be supporting California’s The Shrine, and also Japan’s Boris, which we are all big fans of! And somewhere in between all that we have a pile of songs we are trying to get finished for our 12-inch we have planned for early 2016.

What motivates you to make music?
Money and girls and drugs in no particular order… Actually, most of the band have partners, so I guess just the money and drugs!

What have been the high and low points of your musical experiences so far?
Lows? I don’t think we’ve been a band long enough to experience actual lows. It’s been pretty fun so far, maybe more frustrating than low is with six of us and most of us having multiple bands and projects it’s extremely hard and frustrating to bring it all together. its a lot of hard work. But having said that when the six of us are firing it’s fucking brutal! The live show is where it’s at for us and a definite high so far was our EP launch in January… middle of summer but we had some bullshit 30-year storm and it was pissing with rain, but well over 200 people came out which is huge for a local lineup in Adelaide. Worldsend hotel is a semi-outdoor venue so it was basically rock ‘n’ roll dance party in the rain. We worked pretty hard leading up to that night so the party went well into daylight! Good night!

What music are you listening to at the moment?
The soundtrack to our Melbourne tour was AC/DC and Turbonegro. Nothing like peak hour on the ring route into Melbs screaming she shook me all night long! So that has been drilled into our heads, but also Church of Misery , Midnight Ghost Train, Howling Wolf, Bongripper and Sleep,

If you were stranded on a desert island, which member of the band would get eaten first?
I know the diet of half the guys ain’t pretty — they are all smoked and pickled so whoever lands in the pan won’t be gourmet. Me and Steve are too old… tough meat. King sits in a recording studio all day so he would at least be tender, Tyson is way too pretty to be eaten and I’d feel bad. So that leaves Watson and Gully, who have been mates since school so I wouldn’t wanna separate them, so probably fry the two of em up together

Here’s an opportunity to bitch about something, whether music related or not. What really pisses you off?
Ugh, this is supposed to be two minutes, so I won’t even touch our current government situation, ’cause we are fucking doomed. What pisses me off? How about the commercialization of the phrase ‘DIY’. Some bands, artists, whatever like to tack that on for credibility, but are in actual fact full of shit. There is a whole culture of genuine DIY people, getting it done with out the mainstream even knowing.

You’re putting together your perfect gig featuring Australian artists. Who would you get to play and where? Feel free to include acts/DJs/bands/venues that no longer exist.

There’s an small independent Adelaide festival called Scumfest. It’s put on in the old Queen’s Theatre which is this big run down warehouse sorta situation, with the theatre facade still intact. The atmosphere is is fucking amazing. Normally like 20 bands or something, art, screen printing, half pipe, food, booze. It’s a 12 hour party. So I guess if I could hijack that and and magic back some old bands… Bon Scott era ACDC in a warehouse? So fucking good! Um, awesome Aboriginal band from the 80s called No Fixed Address, Rose Tattoo, Cold Chisel. Man trying to think now… us, Crypt of course, Schifosi, Hydromedusa, Drowning Horse, The Jerks, Horsehunter, Whitehorse. If we can make it like a week long festival gig maybe we can fit in all the bands I’d wanna see!

Crypt join Last Days of Kali in support of Japanese noisemakers Boris at Fowler’s Live in Adelaide on Sunday, May 31. Tickets on sale now through