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- The Southwicks
- The Talkhouse
- The Tallest Man On Earth
- The Tawny Rajah
- the tumblers
- the universe
- The Volcanics
- The War on Drugs
- The Weapon Is Sound
- The Wednesday Society
- The XX
- Thee Gold Blooms
- Thee Oh Sees
- Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra
- thee silver mt. zion
- theif
- theintensoband
- These Winter Nights
- This Is Nowhere
- Thom Yorke
- Thorax
- Thundamentals
- Thundercat
- Thurston Moore
- Tideland
- tigertown
- Tim Hecker
- Tim Rogers
- Timothy Nelson
- Tin Pan Orange
- Tinariwen
- Tinpan Orange
- Tired Lion
- Tobacco Rat
- Todd Tobias
- Tom Demac
- Tomas Ford
- Tombs
- Tommyhawks
- Tora
- Torche
- Tortoise
- Total Control
- Totally Unicorn
- tourist
- Trail Of Dead
- Trap Them
- travis
- Travis Doom
- Trevor Deep Jr.
- trigger jackets
- Triple J
- Troll
- True Brew
- True Widow
- tUnE-yArDs
- Tura
- Tura New Music
- Turnstile
- Tusk
- Twelve Foot Ninja
- Twerps
- Twin Atlantic
- Two Fingers
- Two Minutes With…
- Ty Segall
- Tyranny is Tyranny
- Uncategorized
- Uncle Acid
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra
- UpNUp
- Ur Draugr
- Urthboy
- USA Out Of Vietnam
- Usurper of Modern Medicine
- Vacant Valley
- Vader
- Vagrond
- Vague
- Vallenfyre
- Vance Joy
- Venemous Concept
- Venom
- Vessel
- Vhol
- Vida Cain
- Viet Cong
- villagers
- Vinatge Tee Day
- Vinyl Retention
- violent soho
- Vivian Gauntlett
- Voivod
- Volcano Suns
- Volor Flex
- Voltaire Twins
- Volunteer
- Voodoo Glow Skulls
- Vorad Fils
- Voyager
- Wam Awards
- wam festival
- WAMi Awards
- Warning Birds
- Warpigs
- Watchtower
- Way of the Warrior
- We All Want To
- We Are The Emergency
- We Lost the Sea
- We Move Walls
- Weedeater
- west australian symphony orchestra
- West Coast Blues 'N' Roots
- Whirr
- Whisky Winter
- White Spot
- Whitehorse
- Whitewater
- wil wagner
- Wilco
- Wiliam Elliot Whitmore
- Will Stoker & The Embers
- Will Stoker and the Embers
- Willy Mason
- Windhand
- Wintercoats
- Wire
- Witchsorrow
- With The Dead
- Wolf
- Wolf & Cub
- wolfmother
- Woods of Desolation
- Wormwood
- xavier rudd
- Xibalba
- Xtrah
- Yacht
- yiannos mcstavros
- Ylem
- Yo M.A.F.I.A
- You Am I
- Young Widows
- Yukon Dreams
- Zorch
- ZS